260 new items and eight more pages have been added to the Aerostich/RiderWearHouse Catalog. The 196 page full-color catalog features useful, practical, and fun items for traveling and transportation motorcyclists. All items are inventoried for immediate shipping from the Duluth, MN company's facility. The catalog is browsable and searchable at and can be fully downloaded in .pdf file format. (Order the original. It's better.) The Aerostich/RiderWearHouse website features secure on-line ordering for all items. The catalog contains many new side bars, unusual humorous items, and marginal notes and quotes that are of questionable commercial value - but which make interesting reading. "Everything's crowded here. There is too much stuff," complained Aerostich's Mr. Subjective. To get a free catalog call 800 222 1994 or email . To order or for further information, call Aerostich/RiderWearHouse at (800)222-1994. FX: (218)720-3610 Web: www.aerostich.com Email: press@aerostich.com