Fast Facts About Chandler:
- Riding for 5 years
- Serves in the United States Air Force Active Duty
- First bike was a 1977 BMW R60/7
- Favorite gear is the Aerostich Roadcrafter two piece suit
How long have you been riding?
5 years now
Who or what was your biggest influence in motorcycling?
My Dad. He collects vintage BMW airheads and races one too. My mother also rides so my parents definitely got me into it.
First motorcycle?
1977 BMW R60/7
Current motorcycle?
2019 BMW r nine t Scrambler
Favorite Aerostich gear?
The Roadcrafter two piece suit. It's so comfortable.
My roadcrafter was manufactured in 1988 and stands the test of time. It saved me in an accident in New Mexico and I wouldn't wear anything else. It was my dad's suit previously and he passed it on to me when he upgraded to a 1 piece Aerostich suit.
What is the best motorcycle advice or tip you’ve received?
Be patient and be vigilant. But above all, enjoy every ride like it could be your last.
Also, thank you for your military service. Which branch did/do you serve in?
United States Air Force Active Duty
Any other thoughts?
Thank you for making such an amazing product in the USA!! I have a much higher confidence in my safety while riding because of your product.
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