"There's a green blur, and a grey blur. I try to stay on the grey one."
“...motorcycle protective clothing is associated with a significantly reduced risk of injury in crashes, particularly when body armour is fitted. While the most substantial effect was observed for open wound injuries, crashed motorcyclists who were wearing motorcycle clothing were also significantly less likely to require admission to a hospital.
These findings have implications for policy decisions related to encouraging the use of motorcycle protective clothing, however mandating use is not recommended at this stage. The failure rate for jackets, pants and gloves indicates a need to establish systems to ensure such products are fit for the purpose. Consideration could be given to providing incentives for the use of ‘recommended’ gear, such as tax waivers for safety gear, health insurance premium reductions and rebates.” – Conclusion, 2011 Australian Academic white paper study of about 300 motorcycle crashes titled: MOTORCYCLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING: PROTECTION FROM INJURY OR JUST THE WEATHER? By Liz de Rome (a), Rebecca Ivers(a), Michael Fitzharris (c), Wei Du (a), Narelle Haworth (d), Stephane Heritier (a), Drew Richardson (b). Author Affiliations: a. The George Institute for Global Health, The University of Sydney, Australia b. Medical School, Australian National University, Australia c. Accident Research Centre, Monash Injury Research Institute, Monash University, Australia d. CARRS-Q, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Academic, scientific and related studies of protective riders clothing
- Motorcycle Protective Clothing: Protection From Injury Or Just The Weather? (PDF 623KB)
- Motorcycle and Scooter Safety Forum: Motorcycle Protective Clothing (PDF 1.13MB)
- NTSB Testimony, Experiences Making & Selling Protective Riders' Clothing, Andy Goldfine, Oct. 12, 2006 (PDF 39.2KB)
Testimonials - Crash and Accident Events
- Crash Tested—And Repaired (PDF 2.61MB)
- My Life - A 26 Year Old Roadcrafter Saved it... (PDF 749KB)
- Report—less than 2500 miles on the new R-3 suit (PDF 566KB)
- Through the Air with the Greatest of Ease Sasha Leland, Roadcrafter Light crash
- Roadcrafter After the Crash Bill Dwyer aka AtlasRider (Video 3:27)
- F650 vs Semi (PDF 27.3KB)
- Another Testimony to an Aerostich Jacket (PDF 2.24MB)
- Crash Test Dummy At Your Service—Dan Batz (PDF 202KB)
- Hit Deer 65 mph 4-13 Ashley Histand (PDF 950KB)
- Fwd Why I really like my Darien (PDF 113KB)
- Fwd Transit Suit crasher (PDF 85.2KB)
Testimonials - General
- Maury Mahan - Function Over Style (PDF 198KB)
- AK Trip Photos (PDF 6.48MB)
- Banana Pack in Nepal (PDF 94KB)
- A 350K Roadcrafter...Still Going Strong (PDF 176KB)
- Roadcrafter Light - I Am Riding A Lot More (PDF 39.8KB)