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- All in-stock Aerostich products and RiderWearHouse Catalog items ordered before 2pm CST will be shipped within 2 business days.
- If a specific size and color of Aerostich suit is not in inventory, we will notify you with an estimated delivery date. Production time varies.
- All standard Aerostich items may be sent back within 30 days of receipt for a refund, but the item(s) being returned must be in new condition.
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The BrakeFix is used to lock the front brake for any type of motorbike. Easy to use, with a simple but secure click-to-lock system. BrakeFix is perfect for parking your bike on the road, especially on steep slopes or even mountain trails. The clever and durable construction ensures that, once fitted, your bike will be safe on any surface. Useful if necessity dictates transporting your bike on a trailer or in a van too. A durable and extremely rigid and lightweight brake tool. Adjustable into different positions, clicks to lock system is secure and simple to operate.