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You know who you are. You’re among friends here...but across the world of ordinary people, regular workplaces, common hardware stores, consumerized shopping malls, offices, workshops and chain grocery stores…the Road Grimed Astronaut goes a long way. Because most people have no idea.
Let us explain. Do people in grocery stores and gas stations see your onesie coverall or teched-out armored adventure suit as peculiar? Have you ever ridden past a bedraggled looking group of bevested and bechapped riders standing around under a freeway overpass smoking cigarettes and waiting for the rain to stop…and did you smile inside your helmet as you went by? Do bearded hipsters regard the uncoolness of your wonderful habiliment from saddles of their fenderless aircleanerless purified bikes or (more likely) thru their car windows as you ride by them in traffic on a cold dark day?
If some of this is slightly familiar, you are a Road Grimed Astronaut. You have the right stuff. So you might want this.
Offer: The 3" size of the embroidered RGA patch will be added to the sleeve shoulder of any ordered new Aerostich suit or Darien gear FREE if requested. And if you send us worn Aerostich gear for repair or refurbishment service and ask, we’ll add an RGA patch FREE, too, if requested.
One of the funniest new catalog items was a bumper sticker which read 'Start Dating Motorcyclists', parodying Minnesota's then-popular 'Start Seeing Motorcyclists' bumper sticker safety campaign. We wrote a pretty funny description, which read:
...I’m sorry, but putting one of these START SEEING MOTORCYCLISTS bumper sticker on your pickup is a sure fire guarantee that you’re gonna back over some psychopathic 300 pound guy’s hog or pull out in front of the Gold Wing being ridden by your chiropractor. So don’t do it. However, if you desperately feel the need to evangelize about motorcycle safety to other cage drivers and live an exquisitely charmed life, here you go, Candide. And this leads us to the...START DATING MOTORCYCLISTS STICKER. OK this is safer. And funnier. And, sadly, a buncha crap ‘cuz if you actually ride a bike instead of just sitting around on some rhinestoned fashion accessory in socially appropriate places, you know that women are universally baffled and repelled by such behavior, kewl-o bike ads notwithstanding. You think chicks dig guys who look like road-grimed astronauts and have interesting x-rays? You’re smoking rope.*
We thought this was pretty nice and so did an enterprising Aerostich customer, a talented graphic artist named Stacey. Inspired by our catalog description he created the basic design and sold embroidered patches on the UTMC forum (Underground Terrorist Motorcycle Cult). We recently asked him if we could make some for our customers and the answer was "yes", so we made an agreement with him to do this. Here's the old catalog page that inspired all the Road Grimed Astronaut stuff you see here:
*From ancient times until quite recently, all rope was made of hemp fibers because they were the strongest type available. In your great grandfather's day, "smoking rope" was a popular phrase to describe smoking marijuana.
Try an Aerostich one-piece R-3 or Roadcrafter Classic riding suit for a month. If you're not riding more than before, return it for a full refund, no questions asked.
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