Take your batteries and slavish dependence on other high-tech flummery and heave it overboard. With this device, you can pinpoint your location anywhere on earth and not be reliant on dodgy bits of information being projected through the ether by divers black arts. Precision constructed of brass and the finest optics available and featuring premium isinglass sun filters, it is compact and rugged enough for the adventurous motor-cyclist. Mounts for 7/8" and 1" bars are included, as is a fitted, velvet lined rosewood storage case. Not included are required declination charts (call for details) or the extremely accurate watch you are going to need to use this thing. Meets R.N. standard 3329-5 of 1787.
Try an Aerostich one-piece R-3 or Roadcrafter Classic riding suit for a month. If you're not riding more than before, return it for a full refund, no questions asked.
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